Joelle’s interest in leatherworking began at a young age. As a child, she enjoyed making tiny halters and bridles for her model horses, trying to make the miniature replicas as lifelike as possible. However, she didn’t discover her true passion for the craft until she started attending Meredith Manor International Equestrian Centre in 2017. In addition to expanding her knowledge of riding and horsemanship, she took many of the offered leatherworking classes and learned how to make the real, life-sized versions of the miniatures she had once enjoyed. She graduated from Meredith Manor in 2019 with not only her Riding Master III certificate but the passion and skill set that would allow her to found Angeleather Goods in 2020.
In her free time, Joelle continues to expand her equestrian skills, as well as enjoying other creative endeavors such as digital art and writing fiction.